Biomedical and Signal Processing Lab

The human body is generating various signals and constantly communicates information about our health. This information can be measured through instruments/equipment/devices that measure ECG, heart rate, EMG, blood pressure, oxygen saturation levels, blood glucose, nerve conduction, brain activity, etc. Traditionally, such measurements are taken at specific points in time and noted on a patient’s chart. Based on this measurement, treatment decisions are made based on these isolated readings. Biomedical signal processing involves the analysis of these measurements to provide useful information upon which physicians/clinicians can make decisions. By using traditional bio-measurement tools, the signals can be computed by software to provide physicians/clinicians with real-time data and greater insights to aid in clinical assessments. By using contemporary tools we can analyze what our body is saying, we can potentially determine the state of a patient’s health through more noninvasive measures. The biomedical and signal processing lab includes the generation of various biosignal signals, design and realization of biosignal amplifiers, and design and realization of therapeutic devices.